Cíclica PRIMA


Smart agriculture to climate change adaptation
Cíclica PRIMA


CICLICA is a Research and Innovation project based on advanced technologies for saving water and using unconventional water resources

General information

The Mediterranean is among the most sensitive areas on the planet and constitutes one of the most exposed to the risk of drought. Climate change, together with the disproportionate exploitation of natural resources, will cause an even stronger decrease in the availability of water, energy, and food, as well as an imbalance of the ecosystem, thus affecting to a greater extent the resilience of food systems and therefore in life quality of the population. 

CICLICA is a Research and Innovation project which is focused on two tracks. First, the combination advanced water saving technologies that have already been validated in laboratories to provide a smart system for water management solution. A second track where the implementation of different biotechnology and agro solution for irrigation modeling, improve agronomic management and genetic adapting of alternative crops.

Increasing crop tolerance to climate change and reducing water resources and high temperatures will present the challenge of the CICLICA project. These objectives will be achieved through the mobilization of all the actors concerned (decision-makers, farmers, NGO, technology partners and researchers) to successfully change agricultural practices towards the use of modernizing means of cultivation (humidity sensors), saving water for irrigation and improve soil quality via the development of novel eco-friendly superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) and reuse of non-conventional water resources.

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wheat Latest News

CICLICA presentation in Algeria

CICLICA presentation in Algeria

Latest scientific paper published by ASABE

Latest scientific paper published by ASABE

Webinar about carob cultivation

Webinar about carob cultivation



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